Users & Portal Access

NAVIGATION  Discovery > Domains > Users & Portal Access

NOTE   Portal Access in R95 only works using Live Connect (Classic). Even if the Use new Live Connect when clicking the Live Connect button in Quickview option is set to Yes in System > Default Settings, Live Connect (Classic) will still be used when logging into the VSA using Portal Access credentials.

The Users & Portal Access lists VSA users and Portal Access candidates created using applied Discovery group policies, for all domains monitored by Discovery probes.

Changes made included domain (user) groups update their corresponding VSA user and Portal Access candidate records at the next synchronization.

For more information see:

Upper Panel


  • Disable Account - Disables a domain user account immediately. Affects VSA logons and Portal Access logons using the same domain logon.
  • Enable Account - Enables a domain user account immediately. Affects VSA logons and Portal Access logons using the same domain logon.
  • Reset Password - Resets a domain user password. The effect takes effect at the next logon. Affects VSA logons and Portal Access logons using the same domain logon. Options include:
    • Unlock Account - If checked, unlocks a domain user's locked account.
    • Force Password Change - If checked, forces the domain user to change the reset password the next time the user logs on to the domain.
  • Assign Portal User - Manually assigns Portal Access to a domain computer to a domain user. A user must be the last user logged on to that machine. The list of eligible machines are listed in the Last Logged-onto Machines field in the lower panel of this same page.
  • Remove Portal Users - Manually removes Portal Access to a domain computer from a domain user.
  • Refresh - Refreshes the page.

Column Headings

  • Domain Name - The name of the Active Directory domain.
  • Domain User - The fully qualified domain name of the user.
  • User Name - The domain user name.
  • User Logon Name - The VSA logon name, if this is also a VSA user logon.
  • Enabled - If checked, the user is enabled in the domain.
  • VSA Org - The VSA organization this user is a member of.
  • VSA Dept - The VSA department this user is a member of.
  • Supervisor - The VSA supervisor for this staff member.
  • Expires - The date this account expires.
  • VSA - If checked, the VSA user can logon to the VSA using his or her domain credential.
  • Portal - If checked, this domain user is assigned the Portal Access user of the domain machine listed in the Portal Assignment column. Unchecked, the user is not assigned to any domain computer as the Portal Access user.
  • Auto Portal - A domain user is automatically assigned to be the Portal Access user of a domain machine if Auto Portal is enabled for both the domain user and domain computer.
  • Portal Assignment
    • None (will be assigned upon login to an 'Auto Portal' computer) - Auto Portal is enabled for this user.
    • None (assign using the 'Assign Portal User' button) - Auto Portal is not enabled for this user, but can be manually assigned to be the Portal Access user of a machine.

      NOTE  The user can only be manually assigned the Portal Access user of a machine—using the Users & Portal Userspage—if the user was the last user logged on to that machine. The list of eligible machines are listed in the Last Logged-onto Machines field in the lower panel of this same page.

    • <machineID> - The domain computer currently assigned to the domain user with Portal Access to that machine.
    • VSA User - The user is a VSA user and cannot be assigned as a Portal Access user of a machine.
  • Email - The email of the domain user.
  • Phone - The phone of the domain user.
  • City - The city of the domain user.
  • Country - The country of the domain user.
  • User Policy - The policy assigned to the user.

Lower Panel - User Details tab


  • First Name - The first name of the user.
  • Last Name - The last name of the user.
  • Display Name - The full name of the user.
  • Office - The user's office location.
  • Telephone Number - The primary phone number of the user.
  • Email - The email of the user.
  • View All Tickets - If checked, the VSA user associated with this staff member can view all Service Desk tickets in his or her scope as well as tickets associated with this specific staff member record. If blank, this VSA user can only view Service Desk tickets associated with this specific staff member record.
  • Approve All Timesheets - If checked, this staff member can approve any timesheet. This ensures all timesheets can be approved in a timely manner, if other approvers are temporarily unavailable.
  • Timesheet Approval Pattern - Specifies the approval pattern required to approve this staff member's timesheets. Approval patterns determine whether the staff member's supervisor, or the supervisor's supervisor, or both, are required to approve the staff member's timesheet.
  • VSA Logon - If Yes, the VSA user can logon to the VSA using his or her domain credential.
  • VSA Roles - The VSA roles assigned to the VSA user.
  • VSA Scopes - The VSA scopes assigned to the VSA user.


The address of the user.

  • Street
  • P.O. Box
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Zip/Postal Code
  • Country/Region


The phones numbers and notes for the user.

  • Home
  • Pager
  • Mobile
  • Fax
  • IP Phone
  • Notes

Last Logged-onto Machines

  • Last Logged-on to (Machines) - The domain computer the domain user last logged on to. Portal Access to a domain machine can only be assigned to the last machine a domain user has logged on to.


  • User Logon Name - The domain user's logon name.
  • Account Expires - The expiration date for the domain account.
  • Common Name - The common name of the user in the domain.
  • Canonical Name - The canonical name of the user. A canonical name provides the complete hierarchy of OUs/containers used to locate folders and items—such as computers, contacts or groups—in a domain, similar in format to the full path name of a file in a disk directory.
  • Domain Name - The name of the Active Directory domain.
  • Distinguished Name - A distinguished name provides the same information as a canonical name, formatted as a series of attributes, sequenced in reverse order from the canonical name. CN = Common name or container. OU = Organization unit. DC = Domain component.
  • Last Password Change - The last date the password changed.
  • Last Logon - The date/time the user last logged on.
  • Last Logoff - The date/time the user last logged off.
  • Created in AD - The date/time the user record was created in the Active Directory domain.
  • Last Modified in AD - The date/time the user record was last modified in the Active Directory domain.


  • Title - The job title of the user.
  • Domain Department - The department the user is a member of.
  • VSA Department - The department the VSA staff record is a member of.
  • Domain Company - The company the user is a member of.
  • Supervisor - The user or contact this user reports to. Called the Manager in domain and Supervisor in VSA.
  • VSA Org Id - The VSA identifier of the organization.
  • VSA Org Name - The VSA friendly name of the organization.
  • Description - A description of the domain user account.
  • Direct Reports - The domain contacts or domain users that report to this domain user.

Lower Panel - Portal Access tab

Additional details display in the Portal Access tab if the user is a Portal Access candidate.

VSA Portal Settings

These settings are the same as those shown on the Agent > Portal Access page.

  • Portal Access Enabled - If Yes, the domain user is currently assigned a Portal Access remote logon to a VSA managed machine.
  • User ID - The Portal Access user ID.
  • Contact Name - The name for the Portal Access user.
  • Contact Email - The email for the Portal Access user.
  • Contact Phone - The phone for the Portal Access user.

    NOTE   The Change Profile tab of Portal Access is automatically populated with the name, email and phone number of the currently logged in Portal Access candidate. The submitter fields of new Service Desk tickets are populated with the contact information stored in the Change Profile tab. This means Portal Access users don't have re-enter the same contact information, each time they create a new Service Desk ticket.

  • Language Preference - The Portal Users language preference.
  • Machine Role - The machine role assigned to the Portal Access machine.
  • Show Notes as Tooltip - If checked, Agent > Edit Profile notes are included as part of the tooltip that displays whenever the cursor hovers over a machine ID's check-in status icon.
  • Auto Assign Tickets from inbound emails - If Yes, auto assign a ticket to this machine ID if the Ticketing email reader receives an email from the same email address as the Contact Email. Applies when new emails come into the ticketing email reader that do not map into any of the email mappings.

    NOTE   if multiple machine IDs have the same contact email, then only one machine ID can have this checkbox checked.

  • Portal Assignment - The machine the Portal Access user is assigned to.
  • Last Logged-on to Machine - The date/time the Portal Access user last logged onto the machine.

VSA Machine Administrator

  • Admin Email - The email address providing administrator support for this managed machine. Set using the Agent > Edit Profile page.

Computer Manager from Directory Server

  • Manager - The domain user this domain user reports to. Called the Manager in an Active Directory domain and Supervisor in the VSA.
  • Office - The user's office location.
  • The user's address:
    • Street
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Country/Region
  • Telephone No. - The user's phone number.
  • Fax No. - The user's fax number.