Test Installing an Agent

Install agents on machines to ensure they can connect to the VSA.

NOTE  If there are no agents installed in the VSA except the Kaseya Server agent, the notification bar may prompt you to install your first agent and scan the agent's network using the Discovery module.

The following is the fastest way to install an agent manually.

NOTE  The dl.asp download page is available to install partition 1 agents in an on-premise VSA, whether or not tenants are created using the Tenant Management module. The dl.asp page is not available in any partition in SaaS environments.

  1. Log on to any machine you want to install an agent on.
  2. Enter the following URL in the browser of that machine:


  1. Click the Default Install package to begin installation of the agent on that machine.
  • If other install packages are listed, select your preferred install package.
  • Once the install starts you may have to confirm the installation to ensure it completes.
  1. Logon to your VSA:


  1. Within the VSA, select the Agent > Manage Agents page.
  • You should see a new machine account listed on this page for the agent you just created.

NOTE  See the Agent Deployment quickstart guide for a general introduction to installing and configuring agents.