Schedule and Status

NAVIGATION  Discovery > Domains > Domain Watch > Schedule and Status tab

The Schedule and Status tab schedules full synchronizations for a selected domain. It also displays the status of incremental synchronizations and full synchronizations. The Discovery probe accumulates domain changes in real time. If the connection between the Discovery probe and a domain is lost for a period of time, the probe has no way to recover those changes. To ensure domain changes are not lost forever, set probe alerts and schedule a recurring full synchronization, for example, once a week. If a probe alert is triggered, consider running a full synchronization immediately. You should also run a full synchronization if the probe was temporarily deactivated and reactivated.

For more information see:


  • Schedule Full Synchronization - Schedules a full synchronization once or periodically. Each type of recurrence—Once, Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly—displays additional options appropriate for that type of recurrence. Periodic scheduling includes setting start and end dates for the recurrence. Options include:
    • Distribution Window - Reschedules the task to a randomly selected time no later than the number of periods specified, to spread network traffic and server loading. For example, if the scheduled time for a task is 3:00 AM, and the distribution window is 1 hour, then the task schedule will be changed to run at a random time between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM. Distribution Window must be greater than or equal to the Recurrence Interval.
    • Skip if offline - If checked and the machine is offline, skip and run the next scheduled period and time. If blank and the machine is offline, run the task as soon as the machine is online again. Applies only to recurring schedules, a 'Once' schedule always executes the next time the agent is online.
    • Power up if offline - Windows only. If checked, powers up the machine if offline. Requires Wake-On-network or vPro and another managed system on the same network.
    • Exclude the following time range - Applies only to the distribution window. If checked, specifies a time range to exclude the scheduling of a task within the distribution window. Specifying a time range outside of the distribution window is ignored by the scheduler.
  • Cancel Full Synchronization - Cancels the full synchronization schedule.

Header Fields

  • Probe Status

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Un-installed - A probe is not installed for this domain.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Processing - The probe executing a user request.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Installed - The probe is installed and harvesting has been completed.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Activated - The probe is monitoring the domain. Discovery policies are not modified.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Activated - The probe is monitoring the domain. Discovery policies are modified but have not yet been applied.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Activated - The probe is monitoring the domain. Discovery policies are modified and applied.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Activated - The probe is monitoring the domain. Discovery policies have been modified but not yet been applied for at least three synchronization intervals. The Discovery administrator may have forgotten to apply the modified policies.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Attention or Offline - The probe has encountered a problem that may require user attention. Because the probe's attention status may self-correct, the attention status does not necessarily correspond to a warning alert or error alert. If offline, the domain machine is unavailable.

    NOTE  Discovery pages are not auto-refreshed. Click the Refresh button to ensure the latest Probe Status displays.

  • Computers/Contacts Status and User Policies Status

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Original - Discovery policies have not yet been configured.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Modified - Discovery policies have been configured but not yet applied. After clicking the Apply Changes button, this icon remains unchanged until the harvest has been completed.

    Word 80% / HTML 100% - Applied - Discovery policies have been applied.

General Information

  • Domain Name - The name of the Active Directory domain.
  • Incr. Sync. Interval (mins) - The incremental synchronization interval for this domain. The synchronization interval is set when a probe is activated using the Probe Deployment tab.
  • Administrator User Name - The administrator name of the credential used to log into the Active Directory domain.

Synchronization History

  • Recent Agent Check-in - The most recent check-in of any agent on the domain.
  • Active Agent Check-in - Date/time the probe agent of this domain last checked in.
  • Last Probe Request - Date/time a synchronization request was last sent to the probe of this domain.
  • Last Script Exec. - Date/time a script was last executed for this domain.
  • Last Full Preview - Date/time a preview synchronization was last executed for this domain. A preview is only performed when a probe is installed.
  • Last Full Sync - Date/time of last full synchronization for this domain.
  • Last Incremental Sync - Date/time of last incremental synchronization of all outstanding changes for this domain. Clicking Apply Changes after modifying policies on any Policies tab performs an "on demand" incremental synchronization. Activation performs a recurring incremental synchronization.
  • Last Script Status - Status of last Discovery script executed for this domain. For example, Then/Else Success or Then/Else failure in step N.

Scheduled Synchronization

  • Full Synchronization Period - The scheduled pattern for full synchronization for this domain. May be once or recurring.
  • Next Full Synchronization - The next scheduled full synchronization for this domain.