Probe Alerts and Domain Alerts

Probe Alerts

Probe warnings alerts and failure alerts provides alerts and email notifications for any issues concerning the probe's communication with the Active Directory server. Probe alerts can include:

  • The Active Directory server goes offline.
  • The domain credential used by Discovery is no longer valid.
  • The probe cannot communicate with the domain controller.

Warning: The Discovery probe accumulates domain changes in real time. If the connection between the Discovery probe and a domain is lost for a period of time, the probe has no way to recover those changes. To ensure domain changes are not lost forever, set probe alerts and schedule a recurring full synchronization, for example, once a week. If a probe alert is triggered, consider running a full synchronization immediately. You should also run a full synchronization if the probe was temporarily deactivated and reactivated.

Domain Alerts

Domain alerts provides alarm, ticket and email notifications for create, change and deletes of selected types of objects in the domain. Types of domain objects include:

  • Computer
  • Contact
  • Container
  • Domain
  • Group
  • Organizational Unit
  • User

Each domain object belonging to an alert category--computer, contact, container, domain, group, organization unit, user—must be assigned to a Discovery policy, otherwise alerts for this object will not be triggered. Alerts are only triggered after being detected by the next full or incremental sync.