15. Enter Mail Server Settings

Specify outbound email server information. Enter a valid email address. This address is used as the 'From' address for messages sent from the Kaseya Server. Kaseya recommends using the address for the ticketing system or a group distribution address. Do not use a personal email address. A common choice is support@yourcompany.com.

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Enter in the following information, if available.

NOTE  If you want to specify outbound email settings after the update you can set them from within the VSA using System > Outbound Email. A confirmation message box displays if you leave these fields blank and click the Next button.

  • Enter the 'From' email address for emails sent from this VSA server: - Enter the default 'From' address displayed by outbound email.
  • Mail Server Hostname or IP Address - The name of the host email server. Example: smtp.gmail.com.
  • Port - Typically 25, but the host email server may require a different port number.
  • Anonymous access - No authentication required.
  • Basic Authentication - Authentication required.
    • User Name - Enter the username of an account authorized to use the host email server.
    • Password - Enter the password of the account.
    • Password Confirmation - Re-enter the password of the account.