Desktop Management - Power Savings

NAVIGATION  Info Center > Reporting > Reports > Desktop Management > Power Savings

The Power Savings page generates a report that shows an estimate of how much money can be saved, or has been saved, using a particular power policy. An independent power audit is scheduled as part of the standard audit and collects power settings from all managed machines including those without the Desktop Policy client installed.

Comparison Settings

A power audit is performed on a machine whenever a power policy is applied to the machine and is also performed by the latest audit, typically on a daily basis.

  • Compare machine baseline audit information with:
    • Compare With - Select a defined power policy to see how much you can save by switching over to the selected power policy.
    • Include All Machines - If checked, includes the independent power audit results for all Windows 2003 and Windows XP machines without Desktop Policy installed along with the results from machines with Desktop Policy installed. Checked by default. Does not include Windows 2000, Vista, or 7 machines.
  • Compare most recent power audit data with:
    • Compare With - Baseline Power Policy - Shows power savings by comparing the baseline power policy to the latest audit for each machine. The baseline power policy represents what was in place before Desktop Policy was installed on the machine.
    • Compare With - Last Deployed Power Policy - Shows power savings by comparing the last deployed power policy to the latest audit for each machine. This value should be the same as the most recent power audit data, unless some of the users have changed their settings since the last time a power policy was applied.
  • Report Period - Enter the reporting period for the report: Year, Month, From Baseline Collection Time.

Set Report Values

Set the values that the power savings estimate is based on or leave them set to their default values.

  • Average PC Watts - Enter the number of watts an average PC in the system uses.
  • Average Monitor Watts - Enter the number of watts an average monitor in the system uses.
  • Cost of kilowatt-hour (kWh) - Enter the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh).
  • Currency Symbol - Enter the currency symbol associated with the cost entered in the Cost of kilowatt-hour (kWh) field. This currency symbol displays in the report.

Advanced Settings

Make changes to the following advanced settings or leave them set to their default values:

  • PC Watts When Stand By - Enter the number of watts an average PC uses while it is in standby mode.
  • Workstation Hours Per Day - Enter the number of hours per day a workstation is in use.
  • Workstation Days Per Week - Enter the number of days per week the workstation is in use.
  • % of Machines Powered Down at end of Day - Enter the number of machines that are physically turned off at the end of the day.
  • Workstation Days Idle Per Year (Holidays, Vacations, etc) - Enter the number of days per year the average workstation is not in use, in addition to weekends.
  • Select Machine Data Based on:
    • Most Savings - If selected, the calculation uses the single user on a machine that provides the highest estimated power savings, as though no other user ever used that machine. This represents the best possible power savings for that machine.
    • Average User - If selected, the calculation uses an average of the estimated power savings of all users on a machine, as though each user was logged on to that machine an equal amount of time. This generates an equal or smaller power savings estimate than the Most Savings option.
  • Hard Drive Watts - Enter the number of watts a hard drive uses.
  • Server Hours Per Day - Enter the number of hours per day a server is in use.

    NOTE   Any OS that has the word Server in its name is treated as a server for the purposes of this report.

  • Server Days Per Week - Enter the number of days per week a server is in use.
  • Include Monitors for Servers - If checked, the calculation assumes each server has a monitor attached and the power settings for the monitors are included.
  • Show Settings per User - If checked, the report shows the savings for each user on each machine.