Manage Files Stored on Server
NAVIGATION Agent Procedures > Manage Procedures > Schedule / Create > Manage Files
Use the Manage Files Stored on Server popup window to upload a file and store it on the Kaseya Server. You can also list, display and delete files already stored on the Kaseya Server. Agent procedures can distribute these files to managed machines using the writeFile() or writeFileInDirectoryPath() commands.
NOTE This store of files is not machine-specific. getFile() uploads and stores machine-specific files on the server.
NOTE If you can not upload your file on the Kaseya Server, navigate to Server Management > Default Settings and check if the file in the list of extensions. If the file is not in the list of extensions add it there.
To upload a file:
- Click Manage Files.
- Click Private files or Shared files to select the folder used to store uploaded files. Files stored in the Private files folder are not visible to other users.
- Click Upload a file or Drag/Drop a file to store file into selected directory on the Kaseya Server.
To delete a file stored on the Kaseya Server:
- Click Private files or Shared files to select the folder used to store uploaded files.
- Click the delete icon
next to a file name to remove the file from the Kaseya Server.
NOTE An alternate method of uploading files is to copy them directly to the managed files directory on the IIS server. This directory is normally located in the C:\Kaseya\WebPages\ManagedFiles
directory. In that directory are several sub-directories. Put private files into the directory named for that user. Put shared files into the VSASharedFiles
directory. Any files located in this directory will automatically update what is available in the Manage Files Stored on Server user interface at the next user logon.