View Assets
The Audit > View Assets page is populated by Discovery scans of networks and domains.The View Assets page provides a consolidated view of all "assets" managed by the VSA. Types of assets include:
- Agent managed machines and mobile devices - Computers and mobile devices that have an agent installed on them are always considered managed assets and display on this page for as long as the agent is installed on them.
- Devices promoted to an asset - When an agent cannot be installed on a discovered device, the device can still be "promoted" to a managed asset and display on this page. For example, a router or printer may still require monitoring, even if an agent cannot be installed on the machine. There are many different types of non-agent device types that can be managed by the VSA: routers, switchers, printers, firewalls, etc. The Make Asset button on the Discovery > Discovered Devices page enables you to "promote" a device to an asset. When you do the device begins displaying on this page. You can "demote" a asset using the Demote Asset to Device on this page. When you do, the asset is removed from this page.
All managed assets are assigned a machine group and organization. Scoping rules and view filtering features within the VSA depend on this assignment.
- Multiple credentials can be defined for each asset. For agent assets, one of the credentials can be designated an agent credential and optionally used by Policy Management as an agent credential.
- Service Desk tickets can be optionally associated with assets listed on this page.