Alerting Profiles tab
NAVIGATION Discovery > Networks > By Network > Alerting Profiles tab
The Alerting Profiles tab of the By Network page sets Discovery alert policies for a selected network and device type: computer, mobile, network and firewall.
- If enabled, an alert is only generated for a new device name or a new IP address the first time any scan discovers it.
- The Alerts Active checkbox in the Edit dialog enable and disables the Discovery alerts configured on this tab for a selected network.
- Configure - Edits probe and network alert profile settings displayed on this tab.
- Network - The name of the network being configured.
- Device Type - The type of device alerts are being set for: for example, computer, mobile, network, firewall.
- New Device - If a new device is discovered for the selected type of device:
- Alarm - If checked, create an alarm.
- Ticket - If checked, create a ticket.
- Email - If checked, notify email recipients specified in Email Addresses.
- Agent - Runs a selected agent procedure on the specified agent machine. If the discovered device is a computer, leave blank to run the agent procedure on the discovered computer.
- Procedure - Specify the agent procedure to be run.
- New Device IP - If the IP address associated with an existing MAC address changes:
- Alarm - If checked, create an alarm.
- Ticket - If checked, create a ticket.
- Email - If checked, notify email recipients specified in Email Addresses.
- Email addresses - Specify one or more email addresses, delimited by a comma.